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Johnny Wilson presents: Johns Vid.
Cyrus Bennett, Andrew Wilson, Max Palmer and Nik Stain make up the roster to Johnny Wilson's latest video released via his Youtube last Thursday, and damn did the gang deliver! Raw street skating power and styles all of their own this videos a one not to miss. Cyrus coming straight in at 3rd gear and first to show his face in this edit and holy shit did this guy come through for camera. Favourite bits from me though, Front 180 fakie manny flip out, that line with the back tail then the front blunt flip to fakie(you know the one)...
"LAMBRUSCO" by Will Miles
"LAMBRUSCO" an edit from Will Miles filmed at Milano Central Station featuring Nike SB heads such as Casper Brooker, Chris Jones, Dwayne Coleman, Jacopo Carozzi, Korahn Gayle, Kyle Wilson, and Ville Wester. Featuring music from Kathy Heideman with "Sleep a million years", The Lyman Woodard Organization with "Joy Road" and Duster "I'm Lost". This ones a sick little edit to get hyped for the week ahead! Keep your eyes peeled for Chris Jones opening line, Korahns Back tail shuv then again in switch, Ville's ride on 5050 to nose-blunt, that guy who does the nose tap on the rail that...
Late to the party again: Tom Knox - Atlantic Drift part.
Well here we are, once again, late to the party. This Tom Knox part dropped last Friday and if you've still yet to see it, get it watched! And if you have seen it, get it watched again, I guarantee this one won't age any time soon. The crusty streets of London pathe way for this insanely hectic video part with a dash of stylish skateboarding and just straight up gnarliness, this is one to be seen. “Charlotte Pluie” By Fight Bite and "Put Your Love In Me” Performed by Tindersticks make up the soundtrack to this banger and helps...
Ace Pelka (aka Slappyredz) Cruisin on the KeyFrames
Ace Pelka takes a smooth ride through Venice Beach with OJ Wheels KeyFrames. Nothing too exiting happening in this one, its just feel good watching, easy cruising, no nonsense skateboarding fun. Back ally ditches, earlygrab fun, loads of slappys, off road madness and relaxed hills, Ace makes it look as fun as it should be! Want to rock some sick softies like Ace and go full cruising this lockdown click here for out collection of OJ Wheels. As always if there's something you need help with from us here at Legacy don't be afraid to contact us on Facebook or...
DEADLINE: Primitive skateboards "Fourth Quarter" Video draws nearer.
Miles Silvas, Robert Neal, Trent McClung and Giovanni Vianna come together for Primitive Skateboards newest video "Fourth Quarter" each skateboarder taking up a Quater of the new video to be realised in the fourth quarter of this year, lots of cheeky references back to the fiscal year. The guys talk injury, deadline stresses, how the team goes about filming, the behind the scenes guys who also help to make it happen and how they've been filming for a new video amidst the global pandemic. To see our collection of Primitive skateboards click the link here and if you need help with...
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