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Grant Yansura Nine Club
This weeks special, special, special guest is Grant Yansura, who talks growing up skating, making videos, working at the berrics, and starting WKND Skateboards! Not one to miss, Grant is a funny dude, Check it! You can also browse our range of WKND from the comfort of your home right here! You should also check out some of WKND Skateboards' skit videos, like Goodfools here!
Heroin Skateboards Spring '19
Heroin Skateboards UK stalwart have just released their latest collection. Check out our full range by clicking here
Doomsayers Double Rock!
If you haven't you need to check out this video! Almost 7 minutes of the Doomsayers crew ripping Thrasher's Double Rock park a new one, slaying every obstacle, and it even has a little bit of Salazar footy. Check it out, It got me stoked, hopefully it'll get you stoked! Also be on the lookout for new Doomsayers gear inbound soon! little extra, check Ozar's classic Mindfield part, this will get you double stoked
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